Women’s History

Lacking an official moniker, possibly because of her truly pioneering and unique work, today’s subject created the underpinnings of the Internet search engine.  Her work in natural language processing, speech recognition, and term weighting created the communications link between humans and computers and has implications for Artificial Intelligence.  Her name is Karen Sparck Jones.

The Mother of Modern Algebra developed two significant Theorems and advanced the concept of Symmetry Groups.  The first great theorem give rise to conservation laws and laid the groundwork for fundamental discoveries in physics.  In 1930, she was the world-wide authority on abstract algebra; mathematicians from all over the world came to study with her.  Her name is Emmy Noether.


The Chinese Madame Curie, the Queen of Nuclear Physics, The First Lady of Physics, The Queen of Physics.  These titles reflect the critical importance of this woman’s theory of Beta Decay, a type of radioactive disintegration, and her laboratory proof of the unnecessity of the conservation of parity.  Her name is Chien-Shiung Wu.

The Queen of the Cosmos.  A lofty moniker bestowed on the woman who posited that galaxies evolve at their own individual paces and that the Universe is Ever-Expanding – revolutionizing astronomy.  She was also known, contemporarily, as “Brian Tinsley’s Clever Wife.”  Her name is Beatrice Hill Tinsley.

Beijing, China, May 1903, a 28-year-old woman prepares to journey to Japan to enroll in a Japanese school that trains Chinese women to become better citizens.  She is leaving behind a husband from an arranged marriage and two children.  She is interested in the Chinese revolutionary movement but does not yet know how to channel her interest.  Her name is Qiu Jin.

Qiu Jin

Chicago, Illinois, January 1887, a 24-year-old woman prepares to marry a man who has been convicted of murder.  Her fiancé is an anarchist who participated in the Haymarket Riots that resulted in the death of 8 policemen.  This woman attended the trial, a popular entertainment activity of the time, and became passionate about the case and the men on trial.   Her name is Nina Van Zandt.

Nina Spies

Detroit, Michigan, 1964, a 21-year-old woman has just achieved the greatest accomplishment in her profession – a #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100.  She is the most successful singer at her record label.  She is considering an offer at a company that will offer her more opportunities than her current employer.  Her name is Mary Wells.

Mary Wells